Top Three Things to Bring with You at the End of the World.
When the world (supposedly) ends in 2010, you will be the most prepared person huddled in their basement praying for a miracle. If you follow these three steps you are destined for greatness my friend.
these rules are subject to change and will not keep you safe from the ending of the planet earth, this blogger is not responsible for all malfunctions involved in steps and is not applicable to: senoirs, young children, and/or wild animals
1) a bestfriend: someone who will be there when things get rough, someone who makes things easier and you can share everything with. theyll be the ones who best understand what your going through at the moment. your bestfriend will be the one your laughing with till the end.. literally. 2) a good playlist: as long as your ipod is charged your life will feel a million times easier. Songs can inspire you to be angry, vulnerable, happy, or confident. the right song will pluck you from a nad mood and send you soaring in the right direction.
3) good times or stories to recall from the past: when the world is ending and your ipod has finally died, and your bestfriend is just as scared as you are there is always memories from the past that will let you focus on goodtimes with friends.
there are a few ways to enhance these rules and make them work even better for you.
1) bring along someone extremly gifted at math, sciences, languages and history. that way you have someone who can explain everything going on at the moment and build you a safe house with their skills.
2) be with someone you can stand. if you bring someone you talks too much or is constantly annoying or outwardly rude.. this will make life more difficult than it already is.
3) rid yourself of all depressing music.. life is already going to be hard right now.
4) hold off on telling your bestfriend that thing youve been meaning to tell them until the last minute, that way they cant be mad at you the whole time
5) tell everyone you love that you love them .. and might as well tell everyone you hate you hate them now too because there isnt going to be another chance
and lastly dont live in the past, live in the moment and the good memories and take life as it comes... or goes.