Wednesday, January 6, 2010

last blog assignment;

He shook violently and trembled as he stared down at hands that could not have been his own. Deeply his throaty voice crept back to him only as faint echos inside his clouded head. The minds defences were taking over and calming his paralyzed body. Although he could not he could not hear the shock around him, he could definitely feel it. Thick salty sweat coated his entire body in chill and his jolted muscles flexed pulling his body tighter around himself. Heightened paranoia pulled his heavy head into his strong shoulders and he twitched with every tickle of air.
He had to get out. He had to leave. Thoughts and memory were completely frozen; what had happened, where he was, and who he had been, all questions that danced openly inside his hollow head. for a moment he wondered if he was dreaming... but the fear was only too real, the sickening feeling in his stomach only too powerful, and the weight he felt on his chest only too heavy to be a harmless dream. He breathed his first breath, and life began to come back to him. Breathing deeply the world slowly uncleared and he found himself in a room, a familiar room perhaps. In fact a place he may have spent alot of time in.

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